Reviews For Movie Night
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Reviewer: Neloska Signed [Report This]
Date: 13/06/2011 04:46 Title: The One and Only Chapter

Well this was strange and not really in character but I can´t help agreeing with everything you said about the movie. I watched it some time ago and thought it was terrible. They just changed so many things and made everyone do illogical things(e.g. Alex talking to Vole about his uncle) that I didn´t even bother to watch it till the end. Another mistake which I hate when I read it in a good story is, that Yassen has blond hair and not red. An assassin with red hair just...strange. Well I am happy to know, that I am not the only one who hated the movie.

Reviewer: Anazergal Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/10/2010 01:13 Title: The One and Only Chapter

HAHAHAHAH! This is bliddy perfect!

Reviewer: Golden Lion Signed [Report This]
Date: 23/11/2009 13:44 Title: The One and Only Chapter

hahahaha *laughs self to death*
loved it. It was very funny.

Author's Response: Aww, thank you! ^_^ It's been my favorite fic that I've written, I think.

Reviewer: Neverlife Signed [Report This]
Date: 20/07/2009 09:52 Title: The One and Only Chapter


Reviewer: Neverlife Signed [Report This]
Date: 20/07/2009 09:26 Title: The One and Only Chapter

It said in the stunts section that they actually did the whole killing Ian scene. Dangleing and all.

Author's Response: True, but it's still very problematic for real life.

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