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Reviewer: Anne Phoenix Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/2010 15:30 Title: Drowning

Still loving this -- you can use the same formatting style as for livejournal here to get italics, bold, etc ... Email me if you need any help with that!

Author's Response: *grins* I'm really glad you like it so much! (wrote you a mail about the italics *issue*)

Reviewer: Vitoria Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/03/2010 22:27 Title: Drowning

Normally I don't review fanfics. Ever. But honestly, there is so little Yassen/Alex out there and this fanfic was so good that I just had to review. It's brilliant, keep on writing!

PS: I've also read the first chapter of your sequel, and I can't wait until you update. :)

Author's Response: Hehe, thanks a lot! :) I'm glad you like it so much! And you never review, eh? XDD I guess I'm really flattered that you did write a review for my story, haha. Thanks again! (and I'll upload the Moscow arc here soon as well as the next chapter)

Reviewer: Mogget Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/03/2010 12:19 Title: Drowning

That was great fun! Their teasing was good - I really liked the moment Alex realised Yassen wouldn't be able to swimm either. Will there be more?

Author's Response: Hey, glad you like it! :) Yes! There'll be definitely more! In fact I already posted the first chapter of the sequel on and I'll post it here soon too!

Reviewer: Talionyzero Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/03/2010 18:45 Title: Drowning

Glad you took me up on that advice, I think you'll find a big audience here for this sort of story. Unfortunately, that audience is not me, and as a person that only briefly skimmed your story all I can say is well written it seemed like, and good grammar from what I could tell.

Author's Response: Yes, thank you! I had been thinking about signing up for a while! I'm happy to hear that you like it in general even though you are not into slash! ^^

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