Date: 20/05/2011 04:27 Title: Chapter 1
Great story. I really loved it. Are you going to write more? I really want to know what 'not even' means as well.
Date: 28/01/2010 10:13 Title: Chapter 1
loved it! are you gonna continue this? (please do!)
Author's Response: Thank you! Maybe in a few snippets...
Date: 28/01/2010 02:00 Title: Chapter 1
Yay it's posted here ((Edited to add -- half the review disappeared! Can't remember what I said but it was something to the effect of I still love the fic! *lol*)
Author's Response: Sorreeh ;).
Date: 27/01/2010 17:56 Title: Chapter 1
This is wonderful. I love your Yassen and your Alex. I love the "we're even now". Made my day :)
Author's Response: Thanks so very much!
Date: 27/01/2010 16:57 Title: Chapter 1
wow. Now that is a brilliant Yassen returns story. Sweet, all books compliant, to the point and realistic. Would that all Alex Rider writers do this story as well as you. (Except that then I wouldn't be so happy about this one) Thanks for writing and sharing this.
Author's Response: *blushes madly*
Thanks for this lovely comment!
Date: 27/01/2010 15:27 Title: Chapter 1
Really good, please make this longer (no slash).
Author's Response: Thanks :). I have a few snippets of that universe floating around in my brain, but being a slasher, that's where things are headed ;).
Date: 27/01/2010 14:53 Title: Chapter 1
Interesting! Thanks.
Please say there will be more to this.
Author's Response: Thank you! And probably :).