Rated: Not suitable for young children
Summary: Alex Rider wants desperately to be normal. But when his class witnesses something they shouldn't, he has to deal with the consequences as well as prepare for a major storm that's brewing.
Categories: Action/Adventure, Friendship
Characters: Alex Rider
Warnings: Torture, Violence
Series: The Third Law
Chapters: 9 [Table of Contents]
Completed: Yes • Words: 17515 • Views: 2386
The Third Law by Emmy-loo
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Summary: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, as Alex Rider is dismayed to discover.
Categories: Friendship, Action/Adventure, Mission
Characters: Alex Rider, Original Male Character, Tom Harris, Tulip Jones, Wolf
Warnings: Character death, Torture, Violence
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 2
Series Type: Closed
Categories: Friendship, Action/Adventure, Mission
Characters: Alex Rider, Original Male Character, Tom Harris, Tulip Jones, Wolf
Warnings: Character death, Torture, Violence
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 2
Series Type: Closed
[Report This] Published: 07/03/2009 Updated: 23/06/2010
Rated: Not suitable for young children
Summary: Throw a pebble in a pond and you get ripples. Throw a boulder and you get waves. Throw in a life-changing secret, 24 teenagers and a fresh danger to the world, and you get Alex Rider's life. Sequel to Repercussions.
Categories: Mission, Action/Adventure, Friendship
Characters: Tom Harris, Original Male Character, Alex Rider, Jack Starbright
Warnings: AU
Series: The Third Law
Chapters: 2 [Table of Contents]
Completed: No • Words: 2200 • Views: 229
Summary: Throw a pebble in a pond and you get ripples. Throw a boulder and you get waves. Throw in a life-changing secret, 24 teenagers and a fresh danger to the world, and you get Alex Rider's life. Sequel to Repercussions.
Categories: Mission, Action/Adventure, Friendship
Characters: Tom Harris, Original Male Character, Alex Rider, Jack Starbright
Warnings: AU
Series: The Third Law
Chapters: 2 [Table of Contents]
Completed: No • Words: 2200 • Views: 229
[Report This] Published: 19/07/2009 Updated: 23/06/2010